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Our Mission

It is our mission to sponsor events and activities that are inclusive, represent the diversity of the school population, promote learning and the welfare of students, and build a sense of community among the students, families and staff of Mount Eagle Elementary. All Mount Eagle families are automatically members of the PTO.

Field Trips

The Parent Teachers Organization’s (PTO’s) primary fundraising goal is to provide financing for student field trips. The school is not allowed to use county or federal funding for field trips and without help from the PTO field trips would be prohibitively expensive for students and their families. 

Meet The Board

Your PTO Needs You

We run many projects throughout the year to benefit our school and the education of our children.  From fundraisers to after-school activities to restaurant nights, it all happens through the PTO and the PTO needs you! There will be many volunteer opportunities and ways to join in and help connect to and support our school and teachers thruout the year, please consider coming to our next meeting.

How To Join The PTO

All Mount Eagle Families are automatically members of the PTO. If you would like to donate to the fundraising goals of the PTO or volunteer your time for events, or if you are interested in becoming a PTO Leader, please feel free to complete an interest form on the Volunteer page, contact us at mteaglepto@gmail.com for more information or join us for our next PTO meeting. 

Thank you for participating in the PTO!

Below is a list of upcoming events. Come to the next PTO meeting and find out how you can participate.

Upcoming Events